Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Grasshopper Disection

Grasshopper Dissection 
-Grasshoppers are found on all continents on Earth except for Antarctica. They mostly prefer to live in open, dry environments that contain plenty of grasses and other low plants. However, some species like to live in jungles or forests.

-Grasshoppers eat plants- they are primarily herbivores. Their nutrition mostly consists of leaves but sometimes consists of stems, seeds, and flowers. Although they are herbivores, they sometimes eat dead insects for protein.

-Since grasshoppers do not have lungs, they breathe through spiracles, or tiny holes in their bodies. They contain 10 pairs of spiracles on their abdomens and thoraxes. Air moves into the front spiracles and leaves through the back spiracles.

-The ancestors of grasshoppers existed long before dinosaurs existed. They evolved more than 200 million years ago. Primitive grasshoppers are found in fossils that are remains from the Carboniferous period, 300 million years ago.




Major internal/external anatomy-
tibia- lower part of the leg for movement
femur- higher part of the leg for movement
forewing- protects the hind wings and used for flight
prothorax- protects the digestive tract and blood vessles
antenna- used as sensory feelers for touch, taste, and equilibrium

Major internal/external anatomy-

crop- food storage

gastric ceca- secretes enzymes into the stomach

stomach- breaks down food; it’s the first site of chemical digestion

large intestine- collects waste and absorbs water

small intestine- absorbs nutrients from food

Anatomy Sources-


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